The Memory Garden
remembers those from Mt. Olive
who passed away before their 30th birthday,
 dating back to the 19th century and earlier.

The Memory Garden is a project that was begun in 2013 and is ongoing. In the Fall of that year we planted bulbs and organized the first section of the Garden with substantial support from Mt. Olive Township. By spring, 2014, we added perennial plants as well as an arbor. The Township supplied benches and infrastructure.  Polished river stones adorn the garden; each stone has an engraved name of a person who is celebrated by the Garden, dating back to the 1800s.

The Township allowed us to expand the Garden space and, in 2015, we began planning and preparing the second Garden section. It's been a bit of a learning experience and uphill battle. Some plants that we placed in the second third of the Garden did not grow and we lost Hydrangea and Butterfly bushes in the original section as well.  The winters in Turkey Brook must be exceptionally cold and windy; we have learned to account for the weather. In 2016 and 2017we had the Garden professionally cultivated. 

Plaques with the names of celebrants who passed away from the 1970s till 2015 have been entered on permanent plaques.  We have plans for additional plaques as well as a gazebo (a memorial to Bridget Quinn by the Quinn family). 

Please be patient as we arrange the expansion section.  Additional plaques that include everyone's name WILL be placed in the Garden soon.

Deb Dray
Angela Przybylski
for weeding the Garden.....
Not a weed left!
Thank you 
Karen D'Amico
Danielle D'Amico
Samantha D'Amico
Dawn DeMartinis

for adding the sapling tree to the Garden, 
watering, and weeding
Deb Dray and Angela Przbyliski....for weeding
Dona Schiedecker for watering & milkweed maintenance
The Hildebrandt family from RH Farms for donating mulch
Phil and Denise Keller for the field stone slabs
Rob Parisi for laying the field stone slabs (they are heavy!)
Danny Ryan for mulching
Bill Russell for filling the expansion area with plants
We would never make it without our friends...
Deb Dray and Angela Przbyliski for your undying support ... always.
Angela Przbyliski for being our Garden Expert
Dona Schiedecker for not being mad at me when the landscapers chopped down the milk weed :(
Dorothy Quinn and the Quinn Family for joining our effort and adding a gazebo in memory of Bridget.
Mt. Olive Twp Administration and Park, Buildings, and Grounds Dept for undying support and always having our back!