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A Conversation with Socrates

by Denise Novaky on 07/29/13

Dear Nick:

How I wish that I might have a conversation with Socrates.  If you should find him philosophizing in the next realm, you would be smart to sit and listen.

I would begin my conversation with Socrates by congratulating him. You see, Socrates not only has impeccable insight ('Once made equal to man, a woman becomes his superior.") but a tremendous sense of humor ("My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you will be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.").

Most importantly, though, he taught mankind that the truly wise individual recognizes that he/she knows nothing ("True wisdom comes...when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us."). 

Therefore, we do not need to know our life's path like the light-up map on a GPS.  We should not be discouraged if our car is not abiding the purple line on the GPS roadmap of life.  None of us know absolutely where we are going.  Travel in a direction after weighing the pros/cons and ensuring some measure of safety and, in the words of Mr. Nike, JUST DO IT. Gather that which you discover while on the journey and then decide on the next turn.

We do not know the right answer.  You will not find it standing still.


I am, as always and forever, mother to Ben and Nick

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